Novo Nordisk case Behavioral Change Group. New office facility.

To create an office for the future, keep employer attractiveness and support diverse workstyles, a large Danish pharma organization completely rebuilt their facility post COVID19. But employees continued business as usual, which created new challenges.



The new office facility was designed to meet the needs of employees, including areas for focusing, virtual meetings, global conference calls, socializing, collaborating, and more. A change in behavior was required to adapt to the new environment, and one specific challenge required immediate attention. Lack of meeting rooms and overbooking caused people to work from home instead of coming into the office.


Workshops, interviews, and data formed the foundation for a creative process aimed at outlining practical, easy-to-implement microactions to challenge existing social norms.

Based on the process and know-how we developed a catalogue of ideas building on behavioral design elements such as nudging, priming, gamification, and motivation. Designed and conceptualized around theories about adult learning, behavior design, and psychological safety.


The project was delivered to an engaged and excited project team. The operational ideas from the catalogue, provided in a step-by-step format, were easily translated into physical design, digital enablers and social spheres - all triggering desired behavior and adapting meeting room culture.