Learn how to create psychological safety.

Training in Psychological safety.

Psychological safety is a crucial factor in healthy teams. It clears barriers to innovation and collaboration. This training will help you facilitate conversations that foster psychological safety, build trust among team members, role model behavior, and much more.

🤳🏼 Self-paced or 📝 Blended-learning

🇺🇸 English or 🇩🇰 Danish


Unlock the power of psychological safety

What can you and your team do to get more mental well-being and team collaboration? With the help of Amy Edmondson, Oprah Winfrey, Google, mining moments, and a Children's Hospital, this is the question you will learn the answer to during this training. Flemming tells you everything you need to know in the video below.


What you get from participating in this training

You will acquire the right skills, knowledge and mindset to nurture psychological safety.

Understanding what psychological safety is and why it is important to us.

Knowing the difference between psychologically safe and unsafe teams - and how you tell them apart.

Familiarizing yourself with relevant theories around Social identity theory, fear and trust-based culture, and in-group and out-group dynamics.

Learning how to facilitate psychological safety. You will be guided through eight specific behaviors and how to apply them.

Get a sneak peek of the learning content

Immerse yourself in a training that leaves no essential aspect untouched. The training delves into theory, practice, case studies, and methods and equips you with a versatile toolbox for success. With its dynamic delivery and interactive elements, you get a well-rounded and engaging learning experience that will empower you to apply your newfound knowledge effectively.

image of greenhouse and analogy of how psychological safety is like a greenhouse that supports growth of lively plants
Pernille Backhausen describing psychological safety
example of quiz content about psychological safety and fear based culture
answer to reflection question about psychological safety

How to participate in training and get started

Self-paced learning

Blended learning


Kickstart your learning right away with self-paced learning. It’s micro, it’s engaging, it’s impactful


Take charge and bring the team closer with our facilitator-led blended learning option. Don’t worry; we got your back

Customized solution

Co-create and customize the perfect solution for your organization and make use of our expert facilitators. Don’t think twice

Caroline Thyrri

“The training taught me a lot about psychological safety. It has motivated me to dive further into the topic and influence the people around me. It also provided me with tools and insights for further working with psychological safety whenever I can. I strongly recommend this course!”

“I loved the topic. It's inspiring and relevant, regardless of the company's size. I didn't know much about it as a 'concept,' so I learned a lot. The training centered around me and was highly interactive - a great mix of videos, interactions, and thought-provoking questions.”

Self-paced learning

🖥 14 modules 🕔 6 hours

This is for you who want to take control of your learning journey, tailor activities and exercises to your schedule, and progress at a pace that suits your needs and preferences.


  • Work in-depth with the tools most relevant to your role and current situation.

  • Involve professional and private stakeholders as you find most relevant.

  • Get started right away - what are you waiting for?

Price: 4.500 DKK (VAT excluded) per person

  • When you're done with the training, you have learned these skills and how to use them successfully

    • Lead and inspire with openness when it's needed

    • Ask insightful questions and show curiosity as a leader and expert

    • Identify the different types of risks that cause failures

    • Make a list of actions to create a psychological safety culture

  • The training is divided into five sections:

    • Section 1: An Introduction to Psychological Safety

    • Section 2: Why Is Psychological Safety Important?

    • Section 3: Psychological Safety in Theory

    • Section 4: Psychological Safety Toolbox

    • Section 5: How to turn your knowledge into behavior

  • Leaders and specialits in any role or project who strive to improve performance, become better team players, or lead to inspire others.

main in bus participating is psychological safety training

Facilitator-led training

👩🏼‍💼 6-20 people 🕑 2-4 weeks 🌈 Blended learning

This is for you who want to take your team on a structured learning journey that cultivates psychological safety, ensuring an environment where open discussions, constructive feedback, and collaborative exploration thrive, ultimately fostering personal growth and cohesive teamwork.


  • A well-defined curriculum that ensures comprehensive skill development and knowledge acquisition.

  • Team exercises, hands-on guidance, and interactive discussions.

  • A facilitator who hand hold the training securing relevant

Price: Internal facilitator: 68.500 DKK (VAT excluded) per team

Price: External facilitator: 88.500 DKK (VAT excluded) per team

  • When you're done with the training, you have learned these skills and how to use them successfully

    • Lead and inspire with openness when it's needed.

    • Ask insightful questions and show curiosity as a leader and expert.

    • Identify the different types of risks that cause failures

    • Make a list of actions to create a psychological safety culture

    • Shared team agreements on specific new behaviors and drivers for success.

  • The training curriculum is divided into five sections:

    • Section 1: An Introduction to Psychological Safety

    • Section 2: Why Is Psychological Safety Important?

    • Section 3: Psychological Safety in Theory

    • Section 4: Psychological Safety Toolbox

    • Section 5: Turn your knowledge into behavior

  • The training is a blended learning journey consisting of three interventions:

    1. Microlearning - Gain knowledge:

      Everyone on the team kicks off the learning journey individually with psychological safety theory and basics, and why and how it will benefit your team.

    2. Team workshop - Build trust together:

      A structured conversation about team dynamics and desired future outcomes. The agenda includes Shared team assessment, feedback, an action plan, and agreement on specific new behaviors and drivers for success.

    3. Microlearning - Develop skills and attitude:

      We help you apply what you have learned, activate your toolbox for active influencing, transfer knowledge into behavioral change, and look ahead and identify potential triggers.

  • Choose from an internal facilitator or have one of our expert facilitators take over.

    If you choose an internal facilitator, you will nurture in-house facilitation skills through our all-inclusive leader package, including presentation materials, best practice guides, action plans, facilitator guides, and coaching.

  • Traditional teams, agile teams, cross-functional teams, virtual teams, or project teams strive to improve performance, become better team players, or lead to inspire others.

    The short answer… Any team 😊

Customize your solution to your needs

🏢 Larger groups or organizations

This is for you looking to influence delivery methods, content curriculum, or branding. We usually glance at our proven concept and, at that outset, co-create as it fits your objectives and context.


  • Include organizational-specific examples and relatable everyday situations to enrich learning.

  • Make use of internal resources as best as possible while leveraging the valuable insights of our know-how and specialized expertise.

  • Launch training broadly and secure a cultural and systemic elevation of innovation, communication, and inclusivity.

Why mastering psychological safety is a personal and business essential .

A workplace and social climate that foster psychological safety is innovative, inclusive and empowering.

91% of employees believe psychological safety is crucial for their well-being and job satisfaction.

91% of employees believe psychological safety is crucial for their well-being and job satisfaction.

Teams and organizations with high levels of psychological safety experience a 2.5 times higher rate of innovation. 

Teams and organizations with high levels of psychological safety experience a 2.5 times higher rate of innovation. 

Work-related stress affects approximately 1 in 5 employees. Organizations that prioritize psychological safety experience reduced levels of stress among their employees.

Work-related stress affects approximately 1 in 5 employees. Organizations that prioritize psychological safety experience reduced levels of stress among their employees.

Psychologically safe employees are 60% more motivated and engaged, boosting productivity and organizational performance.

Psychologically safe employees are 60% more motivated and engaged, boosting productivity and organizational performance.